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    Thursday, October 30, 2014

    How to verify Payza Account

    Complete Procedure to Verify Payza with Credit Card

    Follow thus guide step by step and if you have any question on confusion feel free to ask in comment section.
    1- Very first step is to login to your Payza Account, Click on Menu and go to Verification center
    2- Now next step is to Click on Credit Card Validation in Payza Account, and It will redirect you to add Credit Card section. Now you can fill details of your Credit or Debit Card (At the moment they only accept Visa Card, may be latter you can see more options). Keep in mind your name and other information must match with your Credit card. write your first name, Card No and its expiry date that you can find on front side of your card. If your billing address on card is same like in Payza than go ahead or add new billing address. click Next Now.
    3- Now 3rd step is to accpet terms and conditions and confirm details.
    4- Now your credit card is successfully added to Payza account and next step is to validate your card on Payza. Click The option marked with arrow

    5- Now you have two options to Validate your card, First validate by charge, Second validate by Authorization form. I will use first method and if for any reason its not work for you than you can use second manual method with authorization form.
    6- When you will select first option Validate by charge, you will be redirect to next page. Now review information and add 3 digit CVC Code. You can find CVC code on the back side of your credit or debit card. Agree with terms and click Next
    Now Payza will charge some amount from your card between $1 to 2$, make sure you have at least $5 or equal currency on your card. These are not charges, its a refundable amount that will be deposited back to your Payza account.
    7- Now if every thing goes fine than your card will be charged and you need to confirm Payza that how much they charges. To check out this please check your credit card or linked bank account statement and may be you will be receive SMS notification from your card provider bank. If you Card or Linked Bank account is not in USD, Charges amount will be auto converted
    8- After entering correct charged amount, your account will be Instantly verified. Enjoy verified account benefits
    Still not able to verify Payza Account ? Well I offer professional consultancy service for Rs 1500 or 15$. Contact me and pay the fee, I will personally help you until you got your account verified.
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